COMING SOON!! Flower Essence: Brave Heart 50ml
For children who struggle with separation, cling to caregivers, or have difficulty with independence.
Chicory – For overly needy, possessive behavior.
Mimulus – For shyness and fear of being alone.
Red Chestnut – For excessive worry about caregivers.
Walnut – For adapting to change, like daycare or school transitions.
Honeysuckle – For children who dwell on the past and struggle to let go.
Use: 4 drops under the tongue or in water, 2-4 times daily.
For children who struggle with separation, cling to caregivers, or have difficulty with independence.
Chicory – For overly needy, possessive behavior.
Mimulus – For shyness and fear of being alone.
Red Chestnut – For excessive worry about caregivers.
Walnut – For adapting to change, like daycare or school transitions.
Honeysuckle – For children who dwell on the past and struggle to let go.
Use: 4 drops under the tongue or in water, 2-4 times daily.
For children who struggle with separation, cling to caregivers, or have difficulty with independence.
Chicory – For overly needy, possessive behavior.
Mimulus – For shyness and fear of being alone.
Red Chestnut – For excessive worry about caregivers.
Walnut – For adapting to change, like daycare or school transitions.
Honeysuckle – For children who dwell on the past and struggle to let go.
Use: 4 drops under the tongue or in water, 2-4 times daily.