Herbal Adaptogens

Adaptogens work to counteract the effects of stress in the body. Stress causes very real physical changes in the body, including harming the neurological, endocrine, and immune systems. Adaptogens have stimulant properties that help counteract those harmful effects.

Adaptogens have been used for centuries to fight both physical and mental fatigue, stress and exhaustion, and to increase performance, stamina and resilience. Utilized by athletes, warriors and soldiers throughout history to support their bodies and minds to cope with high demands.

Adaptogens work at a molecular level by regulating a stable balance in the hypothalamic, pituitary, and adrenal glands, which are affected by the stress response. Whether you are in acute stress, or long-term chronic stress (hello modern society right?!), they help to attenuate the effects that stress has on our physiology, be that by balancing the adrenal hormones (cortisol, adrenalin) output or breakdown, blood sugar regulation, nervous system support or preventing the breakdown of muscle tissue. Stress also significantly jeopardises the health and balance of our sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, etc) and thyroid function, leaving us feeling tired, cranky, emotional, moody, unable to cope and with zero libido… Adaptogens can support the function of the endocrine system and prevent these hormones from falling out of balance when we push ourselves too far (which we don’t recommend!)

Typically, when our bodies are stressed, we go through three stages of stress: 1. alarm phase 2. phase of resistance 3. phase of exhaustion

As we encounter a stressor — say we start lifting weights — our body responds by kicking out hormones like adrenaline that improve muscle performance and increase our ability to concentrate and pay attention to the task at hand in the phase of resistance. Our body is literally resisting the stressor, so we feel energized and clearer, thanks to our body giving us a boost to fight the stressor.

And then, as we fatigue, we enter in the exhaustion phase. Adaptogens basically stretch out that “sweet spot” in the middle — the phase of resistance — allowing us to hang out in the powerful part longer.

Adaptogens have been studied in both animals and isolated neuronal cells. Researchers have found they have several positive effects on the body: neuroprotective elements; anti-fatigue properties; anti-depressive effects; stimulant for central nervous system. They increase mental work capacity, enhance attention, and prevent stress and fatigue. Adaptogens also prevent weight gain (especially around the belly area) due to high cortisol and the effects of our excessive ‘coping habits’ such as snacking, alcohol or Netflix binges.

Adaptogenic Herbs List

Many adaptogenic herbs have been studied and found to be both safe and nontoxic: Eleutherococcus senticosus (Siberian ginseng), Rhodiola rosea (Rhodiola), Schisandra chinensis (Schisandra), Withania somnifera (withania or ashwaganda), Korean/Panax ginseng and Licorice root. Some adaptogens such as astraglaus, Siberian ginseng, withania and tulsi/ holy basil are also very beneficial for the immune system.

Withania can lower blood sugar levels, reduce cortisol, boost brain function/ memory and help fight symptoms of anxiety and depression, as well as supporting red blood cell formation and healthy iron status. Withania can improve energy levels and physical strength, with its name coming from the term “the strength of a horse”.  Withania also support healthy thyroid function, which is responsible for metabolic rate and energy production (among many other roles). Withania is also a safe anti-anxiety and anti-depressant herb, likely due to it’s stress-lowering effects.

Schisandra is also used to support the nervous system and the liver, as well as helping stabilise blood sugars. Schisandra is known to increase physical and mental performance, reducing the time it takes to fatigue. One of the unique properties of schisandra is that, unlike other stimulants like caffeine, the body doesn’t become tolerant to it quickly, so it can be used in the same doses effectively.

Korean ginseng is an excellent herb for energy, and for those who are in the exhaustion phase/ experiencing chronic fatigue. Korean ginseng also deceases oxidative stress and inflammation caused by exercise. And for the men: Korean ginseng is known to support erectile function and libido. Ginseng can also help improve brain functions like memory, behaviour and mood. Korean ginseng is also beneficial for regulating blood sugar levels during exercise. This is a low-dose herb, and studies have confirmed that more is not better! *it is also recommended to cycle Korean ginseng, and take a 2 weeks break, every 4-8 weeks.

Licorice root is a powerful anti-inflammatory, as well as being a demulcent/ soothing agent to the gastrointestinal system. Licorice is also helpful in reducing cortisol and decreasing excess testosterone levels in women (who have PCOS). Licorice supports the adrenal glands and is also a powerful antiviral herb, effective against herpes viruses specifically. *long term use of licorice root may increase blood pressure, so please monitor your blood pressure if you have high blood pressure.

Here is an excellent article on the benefits and recommendations for herbal adaptogens


