Sooo excited to be finally launching the release of three herbal tonics, specifically formulated for Tia Wells PT.

  1. Alpha Blend (for the boys, or women who need some targeted hormonal support)

  2. Xena Blend (for the women)

  3. Infinity (Tia’s signature blend. For men and women)

We have often discussed the importance of having herbal medicine (and nutritional) support for our training, mood, brain function, and energy. We live in a very high-functioning and busy society, we go and go and push ourselves quite often to our limit. To attenuate this and to support our goals to train hard, work hard and still have a fun time and feel great, we have developed and created three blends designed to increase energy, boost performance and support the adrenal system (which often bears the burden of our mentally and physically active lives).

We have therefore chosen some of our favourite herbs, that we take on a regular basis, and carefully considered where and how we could support Tia’s clients.

The information below highlights the herbs we have included in the three different blends.

If you are interested in trying any of these herbal tonics, please get in touch. They would also make excellent and unique presents!

  • As always, this is not to be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor or qualified healthcare practitioner before starting any new herbal or nutritional supplements. I recommend these blends to not be taken if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you suffer from any medical conditions or are taking any medications, without consulting your healthcare practitioner.

Alpha Blend: Tribulus, Korean ginseng, Siberian ginseng, Rhodiola

Xena: Shatarvari, Withania, Licorice, Green Tea, Schisandra

Infinity Signature Blend: Korean ginseng, Siberian ginseng, Rhodiola, Bacopa, Withania


Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng)

Korean ginseng is an excellent herb for energy, and for those who are in the exhaustion phase/ experiencing chronic fatigue. Korean ginseng also decreases oxidative stress and inflammation caused by exercise. And for the men: Korean ginseng is known to support erectile function and libido. Ginseng can also help improve brain functions like memory, behaviour, and mood. Korean ginseng is also beneficial for regulating blood sugar levels during exercise.

This is a low-dose herb, and studies have confirmed that more is not better! *it is also recommended to cycle Korean ginseng, and take a 2 weeks break, every 4-8 weeks.

Primary Actions:

  • Adaptogen

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Immunomodulator

  • Cognitive enhancer

  • Neuroprotective

  • Tonic

Secondary Actions:

  • Antioxidant

  • Cardiotonic

  • Hepatorestorative

  • Non-insulin-dependent diabetes adjunct therapy

  • Blood sugar regulator

Applications and indications:

  • To improve endothelial function.

  • To improve blood glucose metabolism in people with or without diabetes.

  • To improve cognitive function.

  • Neuroprotection.

  • To improve erection quality.

  • To reduce generalized fatigue and improve wellbeing.

Tribulus (Tribulus terrestris)

Hormonal and aphrodisiac activity: boosting testosterone, improve sexual drive and to enhance erection in men.

  • Increases nitric oxide.

  • Antioxidant and sperm protection.

  • Performance-enhancing / increased endurance.

  • Promoted to produce large gains in strength and lean muscle mass in 5-28 days.

  • Cardioprotective activity.

  • Reduces blood sugar levels.

  • Kidney-protective and reduces formation of kidney stones via its diuretic activity.

  • Anti-microbial and antifungal (Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Serratia marcescens, Salmonella typhimurium, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans).

  • Anti-inflammatory and cytoprotective activity (reduces reactive oxygen species; reduces prostaglandins).

Key Indications:

Female reproductive system: infertility, low libido, menopausal symptoms, PCOS, sexual dysfunction.

Male reproductive system: erectile dysfunction, low libido, infertility, sexual dysfunction, enhancing mood and testosterone levels.

Secondary Indications:

  • Cardiovascular and endocrine tonic.


Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea)

Rhodiola has been used in the traditional medicines of Asia and Scandinavia for thousands of years, it is reportedly a herb revered by the Vikings, who used it to enhance endurance and physical strength. It has been used largely to relieve the symptoms of stress, including fatigue and weakness.

Primary actions:

  • Adaptogen

  • Antidepressant

  • Tonic

  • Anxiolytic

  • Cognition enhancing


  • Antibacterial

  • Anticancer

  • Antidiabetic

  • Antioxidant

  • Cardioprotective

  • Hepatoprotective

  • Immunomodulator

  • Neuroprotective

Applications and indications:

  • To improve wellbeing in patients with generalised anxiety.

  • To assist low mood and depression.

  • To support cognitive function, particularly during times of stress.

  • To reduce fatigue and increase endurance capacity.

Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus)

Siberian ginseng has been used medicinally for over 2,000 years, largely to increase energy, vitality and immunity against colds and flu. In more modern times, the herb has had a positive reputation with Russian cosmonauts for its ability to improve energy and alertness and generally ease stress, and with Russian athletes to enhance performance. Siberian ginseng has been widely used traditionally as a restorative tonic to help relieve general debility, weakness, exhaustion and tiredness, and to aid with convalescence. It has also been used to enhance mental and physical capacity.

Primary actions:

  • Adaptogen

  • Antiviral

  • Immune modulating

  • Stimulant

Secondary actions:

  • Antiallergic

  • Anticoagulant

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Antiobesity

  • Antioxidant

  • Antiplatelet

  • Cardioprotective

  • Antidiabetic

  • Hepatoprotective

  • Neuroprotective

  • Tonic

Applications and indications:

  • Improve social and mental functioning

  • Reduce blood glucose levels and increase time to fatigue.

  • Beneficial against oxidative stress in post-menopausal women

  • Improving immune function, particularly chronic issues. indicated for states of chronic immune deficiency.

Since studies suggest that the effects of Siberian ginseng attenuate after four weeks of use, consideration of breaking treatment for two weeks after this period before resuming is clinically recommended.



  • Builds muscle mass and strength

  • Increases endurance and stamina

  • Boosts immunity

  • Helps to regulate blood sugar levels

  • Relieves adrenal fatigue

  • Helps cope with physical and mental stress (adaptogen)

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Supports mood (including anxiety and low mood)

  • Supports thyroid function

  • Enhances sexual function in men and women

  • May help increase testosterone in men

  • Withania can lower blood sugar levels, reduce cortisol, boost brain function/ memory and help fight symptoms of anxiety and depression, as well as supporting red blood cell formation and healthy iron status.

Withania can improve energy levels and physical strength, with its name coming from the term “the strength of a horse”.  Withania also supports healthy thyroid function, which is responsible for metabolic rate and energy production (among many other roles). Withania is also a safe anti-anxiety and anti-depressant herb, likely due to its stress-lowering effects.


Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

Licorice root is a powerful adrenal tonic, it is both anti-inflammatory and helpful in reducing cortisol and decreasing excess testosterone levels in women (who have PCOS). Licorice is also a demulcent/ soothing agent to the gastrointestinal system and a valuable antiviral herb. Licorice is also known as a herbal synergist, meaning it harmonizes and potentiates the effects of other herbs in the blend.

Secondary actions: anti-depressant, antibacterial, antiallergic, antioxidant, liver protective, cognition-enhancing, neuroprotective.

*long term use of licorice root may increase blood pressure, so please monitor your blood pressure if you have high blood pressure.


Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis)

Historically, the tiny red fruits of Schisandra have been highly regarded by traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and are medicinally recognised in the pharmacopoeias of Japan, South Korea, Russia and Tibet for their adaptogenic, aphrodisiac and tonic supporting properties, particularly in the areas of the kidney, liver and reproductive system. The Chinese name, ‘wu wei xi’, can be translated as ‘five flavour fruit’, in reference to the peculiar taste of Schisandra berries that includes salty, sweet, sour, bitter and pungent flavours.

In accordance with the energetic system within TCM, this implies that the herb nourishes all five elements, all three treasures and all 12 meridians, making it a notable whole-body tonic and adaptogen. It is also utilised as a kidney lung tonic to restore qi and to help treat coughs, diabetes, insomnia, palpitations and wheezing.

Schisandra is used to support the nervous system and the liver, as well as helping stabilise blood sugars. It is known to increase physical and mental performance, reducing the time it takes to fatigue. One of the unique properties of Schisandra is that, unlike other stimulants like caffeine, the body doesn’t become tolerant to it quickly, so it can be used in the same doses effectively.

Primary actions:

  • Adaptogenic

  • Hepatoprotective, Hepatorestorative, Hepatotonic

Secondary actions:

  • Antidepressant (mild)

  • Antidiarrhoeal

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Antioxidant

  • Cardioprotective

  • Cognitive enhancer

  • Hypocholesterolaemic

  • Nervine tonic

  • Neuroprotective

Applications and indications:

The World Health Organization (WHO) acknowledges its use for acute or chronic hepatic diseases, including hepatitis, chronic coughs and asthma, urinary tract disorders including enuresis, bedwetting and frequent urination, diabetes and gastritis. The WHO also recognises the use of Schisandra in conditions related to mental, physical and emotional wellbeing, including nervous system disorders, depleted physical strength and endurance, poor memory and concentration, compromised cognitive capacity, and for fatigue implicated in illness. Other conditions Schisandra may help manage include hepatic dysfunction, toxicity, damage, insufficiency, chemical liver damage, night sweats, nocturnal emissions, spermatorrhoea and stress.

While no drug interactions have been reported,  co-administration of schisandra alongside prescription drugs metabolized through cytochrome P450, such as cyclosporin, warfarin, protease inhibitors, oestrogen and progesterone combinations should only be undertaken with care as schisandra has been shown to affect  phase 1 and 2 drug metabolising enzymes


Green Tea:

  • Green tea is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

  • Green tea contains L-theanine, which is responsible for its calming & focus-enhancing effects, supporting cognition, concentration, performance and brain energy/ alertness.

  • It's anti-ageing & anti-cancer

  • It's antimicrobial, supporting a healthy microbiome and reducing pathogenic bacteria (including H. Pylori & oral bacteria).

  • Its tannin content may support IBS, gingivitis and periodontitis.

  • Cardioprotective and cardiotonic, meaning it benefits the heart and cardiovascular system

  • Helps boost metabolism & is a great way to improve mitochondrial function.

  • Anti-depressant (potentially due to the L-theanine & other physiological benefits)

  • Liver-protective

  • Neuro-protective.

  • Antiviral and anti-fungal.

  • Helps regulate blood sugar.

  • Pre-biotic, its polyphenols help feed beneficial bacteria.

 "Tea gives vigour to the body, contentment to the mind and determination of purpose" - emperor Shennong 2737 B.C. 

*note: tannins in tea reduce the absorption of minerals such as iron, so separate consumption by approximately 2 hours.


Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)

Shatavari is often translated as “she who possesses a thousand husbands”. It is one of the most powerful rejuvenating herbs in Ayurvedic medicine, it is an adpatogenic herb (helping one to cope with physical and emotional stress). Shatavari is considered a general health tonic to improve vitality.

  • Antioxidant

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Potential immune-modulating effects (increases macrophage activity)

  • Diuretic (helps remove excess fluid and prevents kidney stones)

  • Maintains healthy blood sugar levels

  • Anti-aging (antioxidant and helps prevent the breakdown of collagen)

  • Anti-depressant

  • Female tonic

  • Anti-ulcer

  • Promotes healthy energy levels and strength

  • Nourishing and grounding


Bacopa / Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)

Another staple in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for a variety of purposes, including improving memory, reducing anxiety, and treating epilepsy. Research shows that it may boost brain function and alleviate anxiety and stress, among other benefits.

  • Powerful antioxidant

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Boosts brain function, learning, memory and focus

  • Prevents anxiety and stress/ nervous system tonic

  • Reduces blood pressure

  • Supports thyroid function


