Yin & Tonic Natural Medicine

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California Poppy and Herbal Sedatives

Unfortunately, the word stress has become commonplace in our day-to-day language. How many times have you felt stressed or said that you were “stressed out” this past month? We use the word “stress” for anything from a feeling of being run down to severe overwhelm to mild frustration. Though its overuse may diminish its meaningfulness, we should not underestimate the detrimental effects stress can have on our bodies, our minds, and our emotions.

Fortunately, there are many herbs that can help with symptoms of stress and bring us to a more relaxed state. 

Herbs are often classified into actions—the effect that an herb is believed to have on the human body. A sedative herb, also known as a relaxant, calms and soothes the nervous system, and can help induce sleep.

The stress response is likely to present as signs and symptoms such as increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, palpitations, poor digestion, insomnia, and anxiety amongst others. Sedatives are often used to help a person who is unable to sleep because of stress-causing these problems.

California Poppy for Relaxation

This delightful herb is a great choice for someone who is unable to stop overthinking and worrying about things or simply cannot switch off their thoughts. Being a sedative herb, the California poppy (Eschscholzia californica Cham) is commonly employed to improve sleep and rest. If you find yourself counting sheep at night, it might be time to add California poppy into your bedtime routine.

Interestingly enough, the California poppy is in the same family as the opium poppy; however, the California poppy contains different alkaloids that produce a mild sedative effect instead of a narcotic effect. The group of alkaloids in California poppy are much less potent than morphine and codeine.

California poppy has been used to address a variety of mental complaints including depression, anxiety, melancholia, nervous agitation, hyperactivity, restlessness, insomnia, neurasthenia, and nervous tension. It can be used to reduce stress, aid in relaxation, and to calm the spirit.

California poppy is said to exhibit a dose-dependent effect, such that lower doses are predominantly anxiolytic, and higher doses have a sedative effect,while excessive use may lead to a hangover effect. Many practitioners use California poppy in lower doses, combined in formulations with other nervine herbs. In a clinical trial with over 250 patients, researchers studied the efficacy of a French formula (Sympathyl®), containing California poppy, hawthorn flower (Crataegus laevigata), and magnesium, for treating mild to moderate anxiety disorders. Participants taking the California poppy formulation had significantly improved anxiety symptoms after three months compared to those taking placebo (Hanus et al., 2003).

** For California poppy’s dosage and safety considerations, please consult a clinical herbalist.

California poppy is just one of many herbal aides that can be helpful in overcoming symptoms of stress and managing your stress response. If you are interested in exploring more relaxing botanicals and approaches for stress management, please get in touch.

*thank you to Mother Earth News for the content