Yin & Tonic Natural Medicine

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I have learned not to underestimate the importance of iron through diet or, if needed, supplementation. Iron deficiency has been associated with altered brain homeostasis in both myelination and neurotransmission. Iron deficiency has been linked to increased anxiety and fearfulness.(Kim & Wessling-Resnick, 2014).

Iron is required in so many enzyme pathways, too many to name, but some interesting ones include: converting phenylalanine to tyrosine (which is important for neurotransmitters such as dopamine, and thyroid hormones synthesis).

Iron is also vital for hair and nail health (which is why you may find their condition deteriorating, or loss of hair in anaemia).

Iron is also critical for immune resilience, energy, and athletic performance (oxygen transport and respiration). Do you get out of breath easily?

One important thing to consider is the role of hepcidin (hepatic bactericidal protein) in iron homeostasis. Increases in iron levels in the plasma and iron storage stimulate the production of hepcidin, which blocks iron absorption from the diet and its further storage (D’Angelo, 2013). Taking lower doses (40-80 mg iron) and dosing every second day will help maximise absorption (Moretti et al, 2015) (Stoffel, 2019).

Almonds, apricots, avocado, organ meats, parsley, pine nuts, soybeans (go for non-GMO, organic and fermented), sunflower and pumpkin seeds, greens, and red wine (true true).  

Don't take your iron with coffee and tea (including peppermint tea) as this impairs absorption. and don't take your iron with zinc either.  Dairy also decreases iron absorption. 

Anemia symptoms can include cravings for things like ice, clay, or laundry starch (true story). Other symptoms can include dull headaches,  cold sensitivity, thyroid conditions, cognitive impairment, dizziness, palpitations, anxiety, restless leg syndrome, sore tongue, and spoon-shaped nails. 

Did you know that antibiotics and NSAIDs decrease iron absorption? advice-don’t take iron with these medications. 

High levels of lead, nickel, mercury, and cadmium also interfere with iron status. 

When was the last time you had your iron levels checked? and evaluated in-depth? sometimes elevations in iron/ferritin/transferrin and other markers can either cause false negatives (for deficiency) due to inflammation or infections.