Yin & Tonic Natural Medicine

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Growing up in the bush I was surrounded by nature and a sense of freedom.

I was lucky enough to have abundant wildflowers and my mother’s beautiful garden at my bare feet, and spent hours exploring and bushwalking. My passion for naturopathy definitely stemmed from my mother’s influence. She always had a balm, remedy or acupressure technique for any ailment. She makes an “after sun cream” that miraculously takes away sunburn within 24 hours, always an invaluable remedy for those summers at the river or the beach! I also remember her old wooden essential oils cabinet up high on the wall, full of fancy smells and potion bottles, which we were not allowed to touch – making it all the more intriguing! I am proud to say this same cabinet has its place up on my kitchen wall now. I remember nursing baby piglets and chickens with sugar water and Rescue Remedy, sniffing sprigs of rosemary for exams, and spending lots of time in the kitchen, the garden, and nature. I am constantly reminded of how lucky I am to have the childhood that I did. My parents are open-minded, generous and supportive, and I wouldn’t be where I am without them. I have been blessed with a big family, my brothers and sisters have always supported me and continue to do so.

My mother and grandmother were both avid gymnasts, and my mother was a local gymnastics instructor and yoga teacher. Funnily enough, I didn’t start my own yoga practice until I moved to Denmark in 2010, (although my sisters and I used to love doing aerobics with Jane Fonda to Michael Jackson on an old cassette tape in the loungeroom). I instantly loved yoga for the physical challenge, the intense focus, and the positive benefits on my mental health. Yoga has changed my life in more ways than I can illustrate or fully comprehend. I have been blessed with exceptional teachers and am embarking on my teacher training journey, so that I may share the benefits of yoga with my clients. I am a passionate advocate for mind-body medicine and believe that physical health can only be fully achieved with a healthy mindset.

I am also eternally grateful for my brilliant mentors in natural medicine and wellbeing. I have been given my dream opportunities working in a naturopath clinic and health food store and have learned far more than I ever could on my own. To all the amazing, intelligent, passionate, supportive and generous women in my life – I am so thankful.

And to my partner, for being my pillar of strength and grounding force, for helping me transform into my full potential, and for seeing me through all the difficult times with wisdom and advice.

Thank you for all that you do.

I had always wanted to study medicine; however, I went on a different path to study physiotherapy, only to confirm that it wasn’t for me. I loved chemistry, human biology and the healing power of nature, and I finally found the courage to pursue my lifelong dream and my true calling. I have spent the past 6 years studying my Bachelor of Health Science in Naturopathy and working in the natural medicine industry, attending as many workshops, seminars and conferences as I could, to learn above and beyond what is required, so that I may be the best possible practitioner with knowledge of scientific principles, current treatments, and integrative pathology.

Welcome to my page, my business, and my community.

I hope to facilitate you to reach your full potential, in mind and body.